Thursday, December 22, 2016

New Year Resolution

New year is fast approaching and with that comes the new year resolutions. I have to admit that I personally never really hold myself accountable to any of them. Just kinda think of them couple days before the new year & a few days after. Well, this year that is going to change! I think it's a great idea to have GOALS. Achievable Goals. Goals I won't just dismiss or are simply unattainable. What are some of your goals or new years resolutions. Comment below, I think when we share our goals it becomes real in a way. It's not just a thought anymore. I know at least for me, it also keeps me accountable. A New year resolution for me is going to be this blog. There is many things I wish to accomplish with my blog.
  • I want a place where I can voice my thoughts and opinions.
  • I want to become a better writer & what a better way than Blogging right?
  • I want to share my life in hopes that it helps someone, just like some blogs have helped me.
  • I need a hobby that belongs to just me( & well many many others too lol)but you get me.
Those are just a couple of reasons why I started this blog & why I hope to grow and gain some friends in this blogging world. I am not looking for a business or fame, I just needed a new hobby & a passion. Something to keep me sane this NEW YEAR.
More Goals to come. Help me and let me help you. What are your goals.
Thanks for reading! MUCH LOVE & hope to see you back.
Love Always, Jess

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Stay AT Home Mom Vs Working Mom

I am a stay at home mom and whenever anyone that isn't a Stay at Home Mom hears that they just go ohh.. that's nice. It's hard being a stay at home mom, everyone expects something from you. Your Home has to be perfectly clean, expect you to go back to work or school, expect that you never do anything. But in reality it is a HARD job. Full honesty here, You gotta deal with kids all day!! Feeding them, cleaning after them, entertaining them, bathing them, change diapers, change clothes, potty training, looking out for them, discipline them, while on top of all of that you have to clean and cook and take care of yourself as well as pay the bills and make sure everything is good in the house. It's a lot and its overwhelming.

Sometimes you are so overwhelm you decide to lounge a little. sit or lay on the couch and be on your phone while the kids play, but not long after that you start looking up "activities for toddlers" "how to clean your home" "how can my kid watch less tv" "how to be a better mom" etc etc. and we start to feel guilty! yikes at least I know I do. Why do we do this to ourselves?!? Endless cycle. But then there is that beautiful moment you see your kid do something new. Say something sweet or just go up to you and cuddle. Those random I love you mommy. It's crazy how something so simple just makes it all worth it. Its like your day is BAD BAD and GOOD then some BAD BAD but that one good moment makes you realize that you stay home for them.

And I know many really do want to return to school or work. I know that I do. I always wanted to be mother, but when I was younger I dreamt of being the best mom and the best business woman. Of course in my little girl mind it all worked out perfectly. But whether I decide to stay at home and be a homemaker or to be a working mom; It really doesn't matter. Because there is moms that are working moms already. It Nothing NEW. We know that they do it for their kids. They are giving up that everyday time with their kids for their betterment. I know a lot of working moms that are amazing they manage a career or job and they are there for their kids. And I'm sure its not easy and its overwhelming.

So HOW ABOUT we stop COMPARING each other. And not define ourselves. We are both MOMS. At the end of the day it's our decision. And You and I shouldn't let anyone guilt us into doing one or the other. because we know we love our Kids. There is no difference between stay at home mom or working mom. We are both moms. We both do everything for our kiddos. We are both amazing! Lets be there for each other & be Kind. Thanks for reading ladies. Please comment below & Follow.
Much love
💕 JessC

Thursday, December 15, 2016

My Secret To A Clean Home

When I first got married it was just my husband and I and the cleaning was minimal and easy. Once my son started being more active the house changed dramatically! I felt like the house was never clean. I had to figure something out. Now I don't Know about you guys but I love looking at YouTube videos and reading post about cleaning. Gives me ideas and it also motivates me!

Before I used to do the big and most cleaning in the morning. But it wasn't working by the time my husband got home the house felt like a giant mess again. Here are a couple things I changed and now I feel so much better.

Every Morning:

  • Load of Laundry
  • Unload dishwasher
  • Make Beds
  • Clean up the kitchen and living room
Every Afternoon

  • Load dishwasher
  • Fold Laundry
  • Pick up and clean stuff on the ground
  • Vacuum
Every Night Before Bed

  • Finish loading Dishwasher & start
  • Wipe down counters
  • Sweep & mop
  • Declutter living room
  • Wipe down our bathroom sink & counter after night routine
It may seem like a lot but when you do it every day, its a breeze. Kinda as much as cleaning can be a breeze ahaha. Of course there is other cleaning things i do but the bigger stuff I separate by days and weeks. Will make a post about it soon, Much Love. Thanks for reading

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Mom Makeup & Routine

I would hear moms talk about how once they had their babies they became zombies and would go days without showering. I didn't understand how or why, but once I got pregnant it hit me. I didnt even have my son yet and I already felt like zombie. Always tired and just no energy for nothing. So from the time I got pregnant to the time my son was 1 and a half or so I did absolutely nothing with myself. I must admit I looked like a total bum 24/7. Even when we went out I would not care. Then I realized what am I even doing. I need to snap out of it. So I started a routine. My mommy routine

Every night: I shower at nights because I notice that's just what worked for me. Either that or I would have to wake up super early to shower. And that is not my thing. My son doesn't nap anymore so that time doesn't work anymore either.

Every morning: I brush my teeth and wash my face and moisturize.
I get my son his breakfast and let him watch his morning show till he fully wakes up.

After Breakfast: I do my makeup and hair. I think this is key to start a good day for me now. I feel more awake all day and not like a bum. Nothing to extreme, but just get a little ready.

-Foundation: Fit Me Dewy- Eyebrows Pencil -L'Oreal Paris Voluminous -Leo Velour Liquid Lipstick -Butter Bronzer -Milani Baked Blush
Everyday Makeup:
I prime my face and do my eyebrows.
Then I do a little bit eyeshadows and curl my eyelashes.
Some foundation and a little bronzer.
Depending on the day some lipstick.
I just recently tried ipsy(it's affordable and lets me try new makeup)
My products 💋

I have to say that definitely has helped me snap out of the mom zombie routine. I feel a bit more awake and when my husband gets home I look bit more put together. I think sometimes we as moms get caught up in trying to be the best mom and wife that we completely forget about ourself. For awhile I felt lost. Now I'm not saying makeup and getting ready has made me feel great all the time. But its a step. This Routine has helped this mommy out. I hope this helps some of you out to find something if you are in a funk. Let me know what you guys will like to talk about. Much Love!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Awful Dreadful Potty Training

Couple months ago my son was getting closer to the big 2 year mark. So proud and happy that my little boy was growing. Then I started thinking of all the new things we were going to have to tackle. Big Milestones. One of the biggest one. POTTY TRAINING! I started reading articles, blogs, and endless searching online. Even though most said similar things many had differences on when exactly to start. I decided that when he was 2, I was going to start. Here is how I did it! Maybe it can help.

BIG 2! DAY ONE: I introduced the potty. Just casually. After he was a bit familiarized with that I took off the diaper and let him be well naked for a bit during the day. Giving him water and sitting him on the potty. Now I'm not going to lie during this time we did watch a bit more tv than usual. Just so he had something to watch and sit instead of running around & I fully focused on him.

WEEK 2:I must admit that at the first it was bad. Pee everywhere. Poop on the floor.
He started to catch on. I let him be naked all day and he would go to the potty himself. I was soo proud.We took him to the store let him pick underwear.

WEEKS 3,4&5: Whenever he had clothes on he had accidents. He wouldn't use the Potty unless he was naked and the potty was in the living room. Even though I was proud that he was actually using the potty I just got frustrated. Now everyone told me its okay he is little he'll get it, but I must admit it wasn't working out for me.

WEEK 6: had to do something different, now an acquaintance on Facebook had been starting to Potty Train as well. She had read some ebook not sure which to be honest. She said to completely eliminate diapers and not to leave your home. I decided to try it. Even though I didn't really follow the rule about not leaving your home.

Our Cloth Diapers

No more diapers at all. Not going out, not during naps or bedtime. I had him wear clothes because I wanted him to get used to having clothes and going to the restroom. Every so often I would ask him if he needed to go to the restroom and to tell me when he did. If he didn't I would take him to the restroom.
5 days of the same thing. same questions "do you need to restroom" taking him, changing his clothes when he had accidents, changing bedsheets, endless laundry. He finally was having wetless nights, no accidents or only one, and he would tell me he needs to restroom!! YESSS! I did it. Now I'm not going to lie he does sometimes have accidents or wakes up wet, but for the most part we are Potty Trained.

The reason I wanted to share my story and steps is because not everyone is perfect. Mother or child. My son didn't get it in 3 days but he is getting there. He is 2 years and 3 months and we are almost there. I am proud and every day it gets better.

Be consistent, really take the time to not do much but focus on them.
Eliminate diapers completely
Tell them to tell you when they are ready to go as well as you taking them
Be patience
Be prepare for messes and lots of laundry

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Day Out

Hey there, welcome back.(hopefully)


If you are a one car family raise your hand. (raises hand) 👪✋🚘Yupp, that's us so it isn't an everyday thing that my son and I have a day out. I am not complaining but when it comes to taking my son out more often that's when I do wish we had a second car. Since pretty much nothing is walking distance. So our Day out is quite eventful. Full of Tasks.
First Task:
Grocery List & Menu plan
On our day out I take the time to run certain errands and grocery shop. Fun Fun Fun! am I right! aha not so much. Its been a slow process but I have been trying to plan more>starting grocery list, planning breakfast, lunch and dinner, shopping sales and couponing. When it was just my husband and I we used to spend about 300 dollars every two weeks. (mouth drops) INSANE I know!! So much money for just the 2 of us. Then I got pregnant and expenses began, woah woah we realized pretty quick that we cannot spend that much for groceries. So there began the slow and painful process of reducing grocery cost. gah!(being a housewife was very new to me and since I was away from family we didn't have much help) But if I'm being totally honest it is nice to be down to about 150- 100 every 2weeks for a family of 3(included a very hungry all the time, but picky toddler)and if I'm being even more honest my husband and I do love to eat and snack a lot. Guilty haha. Let me know if you have tips. Coupon TIPS desperately needed as well.

Second Task:
Returning anything that needs to be returned or mail things out. This task isn't an everyday out thing but since the Holidays are close I have couple things to mail. I also have returns for H&M(this is why I have a love/hate relationship with online shopping). Don't you hate when they make you pay packaging to return or exchange something you bought. UGHH,but with this app I have at least I get some percentage of cash back with online shopping. By the way post office is not the most fun with a kiddo, or ever.

My cookies. Son was eating his
Third Task: FUN DAY. Since we don't have the car everyday or much when I do I try to do something fun with my toddler. We don't live close to family so we either go to park or the beach. We also rely A LOT on playgroup meet ups. I was so nervous to join at first but I am so grateful for them. My son gets to play and I get some adult/mommy talk time. Yesterday we went to a friend's house to make some COOKIES. How yummy!! Kiddos got to roll the dough cut out the cookie and then frost them after they were done. A mess for sure, but he definitely enjoyed it as did I.
3 bags to donate
Fourth Task: 
Donating, since I am doing some cleaning and decluttering. Thanks to some minimalistic blogs and youtube videos. I realized that we have too much junk! Three bags full of clothes, that no longer fit, that I don't wear or love. Anyone out there have tips to making the process of decluttering my home a breeze, please share your secrets aha.

Well ladies that was my day yesterday, busy. I sure do love it though. Thanks for getting this far if you did. follow me, comment and email me if you have tips to help a mommy out. Next blog I was thinking about one on my toddler, hope you come back. Much Love.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Welcome to my Blog

Hello and Welcome to notjustayoungmom!
I have recently been dancing with the idea of starting a blog again. That’s right, again. I had one about a year ago that lasted all for about a month with just a couple of posts. I gave up and I deleted it. Just pushed it to the side and said”its just not me”. Who says that blogging is for a specific person, why can’t anyone with things to say just have a blog. I want to do this for me and for you! Okay more about who I am first, before I start to ramble. I am 22 years old. My husband is a marine and we have a 2 year old boy. So, I am not just a young mom, but a young wife, and a young military spouse. We have been married for almost 4 years and living together for almost 3! Might not seem so much, but for me it has been my whole adult life. Yes some may say I was too young, but marrying my husband was the best decision I have made. I might not have experience the world on my own before getting married but I am experiencing it with the best partner. And now we have a beautiful family. This blog is for those that seek a friend that might be going through similar things, that seek advice, for those that need someone to vent and feel mutual annoyance and stress about raising a toddler all while trying to be a homemaker, a student(perhaps), a cook, a cleaner you know pretty much everything. It’s a wonderful life but everyone needs someone. I hope to publish some blog posts about our home, life stories, life with a toddler, some beauty and all that pertains to not just being a young mom and wife, but a young woman trying to be her best self! welcome and i hope you enjoy! please comment, email and follow. Look foward to making new friends.