Being a stay at home Mom is a beautiful thing, I get to see my little one everyday. See him learn & do funny things. But I must admit at times I miss the working environment & of course the INCOME.
So since becoming a Stay At Home Mom, I have been on the lookout for ways to make money!
But there is so many scams & some things take up sooo Much time that honestly I don't have. Here Are 5 that are easy & are real things, I have gotten money from.
- Mercari or Offer Up
- selling stuff you don't longer use or need
- Mercari is an app that is for everyone & you ship the item; they offer shipping labels.
- Offer up is also an app but this one is local
- Receipt Hog
- You take a picture of your receipts & you get points after so many points you get an amazon gift card or PayPal
- You also have different ways to get coins. Their is spins.
- connect with email
- Use online receipts as well
- Ibotta
- It is a grocery app. It has several stores & you can get points from.
- I haven't used it too much yet but I know several people that have gotten up to 70 dollars.
- Ebates
- I love shopping online, sometimes probably more than going to some store. Ebates really does give you cash for shopping through them. Cash back can be up to 10% sometimes, now its linked with app SHOPULAR so its easier.
- Swaybucks
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Of course you aren't going to get rich from these but if you do them often, you will get some cash.
I have gotten about 80.00 in Mercari & offer up. Receipt Hog, I have gotten about 10 dollars. Swaybucks I have gotten 20 dollars in 3 months. Ebates I have received like 45 dollars. Like I said you won't get rich but its nice to have a little extra for urself or to add to savings. Or a nice dinner. Let me know if you have any ways to make extra income.
Much Love